First ResponderThe sickening, metallic crunch of an unanticipated collision punched my eardrums like a thunder clap. Instinctively, I whipped my head around and scanned the scene. There had been no telltale screeching of tires. Apparently, no one saw it coming. A white helmet came bouncing past me followed by the hilux pick-up that had just broadsided a motorcycle. The truck rolled past and slowed to a stop. Through the windshield I could see the driver’s face was blank, pale, shocked. I spun around and strode towards the body slumped on the ground. The man lay 20 feet from a mangled bike that had sent sparks flying across the asphalt before skidding to a stop. The lights were on and the engine was still running. Village market at the base of Mt. Kinabalu In situations like this, bystanders are often collectively shocked and fail to recognize themselves as first responders. “Surely someone more qualified, some authority figure, will appear and handle this,” the rational goes. “This isn’t my role.” As precious time slips away, the faces in the crowd look around helplessly at one another, desperately hoping someone will take control. On this cool evening, at this roundabout, next to this village market in Borneo, it was me. I was the closest person. I was even closer than the people in the car that just hit him. “Take action,” I told myself as my heart pounded and I struggled to think clearly. "The man lay 20 feet from a mangled bike that had sent sparks flying across the asphalt before skidding to a stop." As Mike Tyson put it, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Adrenaline clouds your thoughts. This is why simple acronyms are so useful in stressful situations. “MARCH,” I said to myself outloud. “Massive bleeding, ummmm... airway, respiration, circulation, hypothermia. Ok. Ok.” Kneeling down beside the man, I could see that he was in his 70s, unconscious, and had a small pool of blood around his face. His breathing was heavy and labored. A quick scan revealed he likely had a few broken ribs, possibly a punctured or collapsed lung, a broken ankle, and blunt force trauma to his head. “Ok, massive bleeding,” I said, still talking to myself outloud as people began forming a circle around me. No. The bleeding from his head had slowed to a trickle. “Airway.” He was already slumped on his side in the recovery position so I didn’t need to move him. I gingerly pulled apart his lips to find dentures lodged sideways in his mouth. I pulled them out and set them on the ground next to him. Respiration. Yes. Circulation. Yes. Hypothermia. Yeah, yeah, he’s good but we need to get him to a hospital quickly. My eyes shot up to the driver of the pick-up. “Call an ambulance,” I barked at him. “I didn’t see him,” the man whimpered. “I don’t care! Call an ambulance!” Standing up, I could tell he was too shocked to be of any use. “Fuck.” I hissed at no one in particular. I would have called one but I didn’t know the emergency number. Was it 911? 111? 000? 999? Shit. I made a mental note that this would be a good thing to put into my phone every time I went to a new country. My eyes scanned the people around us and locked on a young man who had his phone out. “Ambulance?” I asked urgently. He nodded. I crouched back down as two others joined me. Now there were cars parking along the side of the road and the crowd had grown. People were directing traffic around us. One of the men beside me had waved down a pick-up truck and motioned to move the man to it. In the USA or Western Europe, waiting the short response time for an ambulance to arrive would likely be worth it to avoid exacerbating injuries to the neck or spine, but here I had no idea when the ambulance might arrive, if at all. It made sense to risk it to get him moving. Time was the enemy. "Under the glow of the street light I could see that my right hand was bloody but so was his. I gave him a firm, grateful handshake." The man’s eyes fluttered opened and he tried to lift his head as the three of us lifted him. Almost in unison, three voices, in two different languages urged him to relax in reassuring tones. Rushing around to the other side of the vehicle, I climbed across the seat and helped pull the man into the vehicle. Once he was positioned, we closed the doors and the car sped off. One of the men that had been helping me smiled and stuck out his hand. “Thank you,” he said. Under the glow of the street light I could see that my right hand was bloody but so was his. I gave him a firm, grateful handshake. “Of course,” I said, smiling wearily. Another pick-up with several young men in the truck bed waved at me as they drove past. I waved back. They had hoisted the man’s motorcycle into the truck and appeared to be bringing it to the hospital for him. No ambulance or police car in sight but plenty of helpful bystanders willing to come together and help a stranger. Well done humanity. Well done. Port BartonIt had been a week since I headed back down through Northern Luzon from Sagada to catch my flight to the Philippine Island of Palawan. On the way, I stopped in San Juan for some longboarding on small but clean waves. Once I made it to Palawan, instead of heading to El Nido, where the tourists flock, I opted for the backpacker haven of Port Barton. White Beach, Port Barton Coco Rico is Port Barton’s undisputed party hostel. I was content to stay at a quieter hostel around the corner but booked an island hopping booze cruise with them which turned out to be an excellent decision. My liver probably disagrees. The day before the cruise, I joined a group from the hostel for a day trip to White Beach where we played volleyball, threw the frisbee and lounged in bamboo hammocks. When we got back, I decided to come by Coco Rico for a low key nightcap with my new friends. Afterall, I wanted to take it easy to be fresh for the booze cruise the next day. Fit for human consumption? They had other plans. Plans that involved a shot of vodka with an entire energy drink powder packet dumped into it. I reluctantly bowed to peer pressure and knocked back the Southeast Asian Four Loco equivalent. A few San Miguel's helped get the taste out of my mouth. Before I knew it I had traded my tank top for a girl’s dress to get cheaper drink specials since the evening’s theme was “Gender Bender.” I regret nothing. It fit like a glove and I looked fabulous. "They had other plans. Plans that involved a shot of vodka with an entire energy drink powder packet dumped into it." Gender Bender Party The next morning I got a slow start but felt pretty good as the group of us headed to the party boat, complete with all you can drink booze, a volunteer dj from Barcelona, a masseuse, and a waterslide. It felt like a spring break commercial. After a day of drinking, snorkeling, and partying with an international cast of backpackers I crushed some street food and went to bed at 8pm. At 3am I woke up hungover, mumbled something to myself about being too old for this shit, took some advil, chugged water and went back to sleep. Day Drinking is not for the faint of heart. Party Boat Crew The minibus from Port Barton to Puerto Princesa dropped me off at Sheebang Hostel a day before my flight to Malaysian Borneo. A man on a mission, I rented a scooter and headed to a coffee shop in the mall where I used fast wifi, a VPN, and my generous brother’s Amazon Prime account to catch up on the first episode of the final season of Game of Thrones. It was bittersweet and I felt a twinge of homesickness. Why now, you may ask? Well, back home, Sunday evenings were a time for friends to gather, grill out, and throw hatchets at unassuming stumps before crowding around the TV for the newest GoT episode. For a season finale one year we even picked up kangaroo, alligator, and ostrich to grill out as we sloshed our beers together saying things like “MORE MEAT AND MEAD FOR MY MEN!” Sitting alone in a foreign country watching the show on my phone, I couldn’t help but feel a bit nostalgic. But on the other hand, I’m on this amazing adventure around the world so I’ll quit bitching. Malaysian BorneoThe flight from the Philippines to Kota Kinabalu airport arrived at the awkward hour of 1:30am. The buses bound for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kinabalu National Park didn’t start running until 7am. So, I cleared customs, grabbed my backpack from baggage claim, and found a nice quiet hole-up spot under an escalator to rack out for a few hours. Conveniently located, clean bathrooms, ice cold AC, excellent security and 100% free. Not a bad “hotel” if you have your own sleeping pad and pillow. Airport hole-up spot In the morning I caught a minibus to Kinabalu Park and checked into a little guesthouse just down the road from the park gate. The elevation in the mountains makes the temperatures seductively cool, especially after the muggy heat I had been enduring, so I climbed into bed to top up on sleep with a little afternoon nap. Taking a dip in Kinabalu National Park "The strange plants, towering trees, and massive insects gave the place a prehistoric feeling." At 6am the next day I headed into the park and did a 12km hike. Although the park office had showed me the trail map and expressly told me not to hike the longest trail due to a landslide, I conveniently forgot and hiked it anyway. Didn’t see a soul. The strange plants, towering trees, and massive insects gave the place a prehistoric feeling. After working up a sweat, I decided to cool off in a rainforest stream before finding an overlook of the valley with a view of Mt. Kinabalu. I slung up my hammock, climbed in, and thanks to a cell tower on the mountain, used my bazaarly strong signal to Facetime with family back home. “Look where I am,” I said panning around for them to see that I was deep in the rainforest. “And you have cell service,” came the surprised response. The night after the motorcycle crash I made tracks east to Kinabatangan Wildlife Reserve to take part in the park’s river safaris. The several hour drive from Kinabalu to Kinabatangan is deeply depressing. The rainforest has been almost entirely cleared to make way for sprawling palm oil plantations as far as the eye can see. The movies "Fern Gully", "Medicine Man", and even "Avatar" warn us of the human toll on the planet's forests. You often hear worrying statistics about rainforest depletion and what that means for global warming and research into new medicines but seeing it first hand was a real gut shot. Making way for palm oil plantations Episode three, "Jungles" of the NETFLIX show "Our Planet", narrated by David Attenborough, provides a fascinating look at the region's unique biodiversity as well as the perils of breakneck deforestation of the world's primary rain forests, including Borneo's. The long and short of it is that palm oil is in virtually everything, grows well in the countries that contain the world's last rain forests, and has led to massive deforestation. Tourism dollars can be reaped from a few National Parks, leaving very little economic incentive for these countries to protect large swaths of unpopulated rain forest. Attempts to get an international carbon trading regime off the ground, in which wealthy, polluting countries pay poorer countries to maintain their primary rain forest to offset carbon emissions, has yet to take meaningful shape. For what you can do check out the WWF site: The Kinabatangan Wetlands and Wildlife Sanctuaries are linked by the murky, crocodile infested waters of the Kinabatangan river. Opting to take public transportation and cobble together my trip instead of purchasing a package deal, I arrived at Sukau Greenview, an affordable hostel and river tour outfitter in the early afternoon. A night boat trip and another during the day turned up crocodiles, a seemingly endless list of birds, and several different primate species, including Proboscis monkeys. The dominant male proboscis monkey can be identified by his massive, gonzo-like nose and overarching brow. They really look like one of Jim Henson's Muppets. Alas, I didn't see the orangutans or pygmy elephants that top every reveler's list. I could stick around and role the dice on a few more boat tours but instead I'm off to the Semporna Islands to get back in the water. It's just too hot and I'm ready for some more undersea exploration. Current location and route As always, if you're going to buy something on amazon anyway and you access the portal through any one of the product links below I get a tiny little ad revenue. Won't cost you a dime, doesn't matter what you get, and it makes me feel like a real blogger. If you know you want to buy something but you're not sure what, the links below are to some great gear that I've had along on my travels. Thanks for reading!
10/4/2019 07:12:55 pm
You mentioned that traveling in the Philippines is worth the time. But it seems like your stay in Kota Kinabalu gave you a lot of memories to remember that's why I highly recommend this haven for some who are in search of adventure and fun! It seems like the place has a lot of things to offer on its visitors that's why I am looking forward to be there too one day! You have discovered some friendly animals and great people too!
12/4/2019 07:47:19 am
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1/12/2020 01:02:04 pm
If there is some kind of award or reward for great content, this material should win it.You have great insight on this topic. Thank you for making this so clear and understandable.
1/18/2020 06:19:14 am
Winter is the best time to trekking in Nepal for mountain chains views. I have organized and done many trekking in winter and all of my clients were happy to be in Nepal at those moments. Because, the weather was perfect! But, sometimes, it was little bit colder as it was the winter
1/23/2020 04:39:27 am
I fit in with your conclusions and will eagerly look forward to your next updates. Just saying thanks will not just be sufficient, for the fantasti c lucidity in your writing.
2/1/2020 07:42:59 pm
You mentioned that traveling in the Philippines is worth the time. But it seems like your stay in Kota Kinabalu gave you a lot of memories to remember that's why I highly recommend this haven for some who are in search of adventure and fun! It seems like the place has a lot of things to offer on its visitors that's why I am looking forward to be there too one day! You have discovered some friendly animals and great people too!
2/13/2020 03:36:37 am
2/20/2020 09:19:36 pm
I really like to read your blogs because in those blogs you are always talking about many interesting places. These places are my favorite that I have been willing to see all my life.
2/25/2020 09:04:41 am
These are great pics! We are looking in buying an Oliver and wondered what you tow yours with. Have you gotten very much use out of it? Any regrets? Any insight would be so helpful.
3/13/2020 11:53:34 am
I love nature very much and because of this hiking and climbing mountains are my favorite hobbies. With these activities I feel closer to the nature and not wanting to return to the busy world I am in. They make me relax and free of stress. It makes me forget everything especially load of works I left at the office. We always do hiking and climbing once every three months. It is my and my friend’s scapegoat with work and problems and also good to your health.
3/14/2020 08:19:40 am
Travelling is something we all want to experience in our lives. Whether it be to another country or even just an out of town trip, we all want and need to get away from the daily grind. It is difficult, though, to travel seeing as it is expensive. It is great to know that anyone can travel at any time if they realize that just by walking out of your house or your drive to work is an adventure all on its own. We may not always have the luxury to travel to different places and destinations, but we can still experience the feeling of travelling in our daily lives.
3/21/2020 04:29:39 am
4/4/2020 11:35:57 pm
6/5/2020 05:32:20 am
Hello, If there is some kind of award or reward for great content, this material should win it.You have great insight on this topic. Thank you for making this so clear and understandable.
6/7/2020 05:17:33 am
It is great to know that anyone can travel at any time if they realize that just by walking out of your house or your drive to work is an adventure all on its own. We may not always have the luxury to travel to different places and destinations, but we can still experience the feeling of travelling in our daily lives.
6/11/2020 09:19:47 pm
6/12/2020 07:32:15 am
Every traveler should need this information. Often we suffer in diseases so this is the best guidance blog for all. Very nice post, thanks for more information. The information that you discuss in the article is really helpful for me.
8/17/2020 04:51:34 am
Travelling is something we all want to experience in our lives. Whether it be to another country or even just an out of town trip, we all want and need to get away from the daily grind. It is difficult, though, to travel seeing as it is expensive. It is great to know that anyone can travel at any time if they realize that just by walking out of your house or your drive to work is an adventure all on its own. We may not always have the luxury to travel to different places and destinations, but we can still experience the feeling of travelling in our daily lives.
8/26/2020 03:24:42 am
Good tip. I never thought to bring one on one of my trips. I might buy one from Amazon. Thanks for sharing.
10/6/2020 12:59:18 am
Travelling is something we all want to experience in our lives. Whether it be to another country or even just an out of town trip, we all want and need to get away from the daily grind. It is difficult, though, to travel seeing as it is expensive. It is great to know that anyone can travel at any time if they realize that just by walking out of your house or your drive to work is an adventure all on its own. We may not always have the luxury to travel to different places and destinations, but we can still experience the feeling of travelling in our daily lives.
10/6/2020 09:57:07 am
Travelling is something we all want to experience in our lives. Whether it be to another country or even just an out of town trip, we all want and need to get away from the daily grind. It is difficult, though, to travel seeing as it is expensive. It is great to know that anyone can travel at any time if they realize that just by walking out of your house or your drive to work is an adventure all on its own. We may not always have the luxury to travel to different places and destinations, but we can still experience the feeling of travelling in our daily lives.
10/20/2020 02:28:50 am
10/28/2020 08:55:51 pm
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1/24/2021 07:37:49 am
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2/6/2021 10:36:32 pm
Our team can design and organize any type of self-guided trip through Baja California, for travelers arriving in La Paz, San José del Cabo and Tijuana, whether with family, children, as a couple or alone . We will recommend the best routes and places according to your needs, preferences and experiences as an independent traveler to guarantee an unforgettable vacation with maximum freedom. Baja California Travel is an adventure travel tour operator based in La Paz, Baja California Sur.
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When you travel with others you have to be considerate of what they might want to do at any point in time or where they want to go. But with solo travel you can literally do whatever you want, whenever you want. You don't have to wonder whether or not your companion may or may not enjoy the plans you made.
9/24/2021 02:41:31 pm
We manage holiday homes and apartments for rent for people on holiday, like using Airbnb, in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia.
10/15/2021 10:46:24 am
Travelling is one activity that every individual must undertake at one time or the other, as part of their earthly existence; it does not matter what the purpose of travel is, or whether the travel is local or international.
12/1/2021 07:57:34 am
pare our mothers to just anybody. They have given us the most special gift and that is our life. They can give us unconditional love that no one else can. It is so hard when the time comes and your children must leave your home because they have their own families. I wish that I can turn back the time and enjoy again the times I am with my children.
6/4/2022 08:31:50 am
I fit in with your conclusions and will eagerly look forward to your next updates. Just saying thanks will not just be sufficient, for the fantasti c lucidity in your writing.
6/5/2022 01:44:32 am
There are lots of adventures that I still have yet to do. I know that I have to do lots of things if I want to enjoy life, but I just do not have what it takes, at least not yet. I still have lots of time to do it, but I need to start doing it. I will try to do it beginning next year, that is for sure. I will start to go on adventures a lot more.
6/5/2022 01:45:58 am
Nice article... Thanks for this article... keep it up... Is India issuing tourist visas? Great news for international travelers India start issuing tourist visas again and travelers have more time to explore India because the Indian government restored long-term visas.
6/16/2022 04:50:29 am
This is a comprehensive overview of all of the airport’s locations. The airport is connected to major international airports and serves primarily as a tourist entry to the Maldives.
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8/3/2022 07:12:08 am
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9/6/2022 06:33:07 am
They make me relax and free of stress. It makes me forget everything especially load of works I left at the office. We always do hiking and climbing once every three months. It is my and my friend’s scapegoat with work and problems and also good to your health.
9/11/2022 01:03:54 am
I am glad you like our site. I think the festival organizers will be creating a poster, but it's not available as yet. I can post you one if you send me your address using the contact form on the website.
9/17/2022 06:56:33 am
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9/28/2022 12:14:54 pm
Travelling is one activity that every individual must undertake at one time or the other, as part of their earthly existence; it does not matter what the purpose of travel is, or whether the travel is local or international.
10/10/2022 09:44:03 am
We will recommend the best routes and places according to your needs, preferences and experiences as an independent traveler to guarantee an unforgettable vacation with maximum freedom.
10/15/2022 12:49:06 am
I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post.
10/15/2022 08:47:28 pm
I think it is the best way to create positivity in life. Many people travel all over the world as soon as possible. I also want to travel alone. The places that you mention in the article to travel alone is best places all over the world.
10/18/2022 12:14:35 am
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10/30/2022 07:08:36 am
Meeting new people and getting to know about their culture and way of life is a must. Whenever I travel, I try to make sure to follow an off beaten path.
11/12/2022 09:56:46 pm
Super amazing tips. Taking a photo of my suitcases has really saved me from messy situations. Also, if you can, open each bag when you pick them just to be sure it's yours.
11/13/2022 02:58:23 am
Travelling is one activity that every individual must undertake at one time or the other, as part of their earthly existence; it does not matter what the purpose of travel is, or whether the travel is local or international.
11/15/2022 06:25:46 am
It can be easy it wants to see more, more, more, but traveling around so quickly makes it hard to work and just live life.
11/23/2022 03:33:33 am
I loved looking at all your photos what a beautiful place, and so much to do, love the narrowest street in Canada! thanks for sharing your vacation with us!
11/27/2022 03:38:04 am
Every traveler should need this information. Often we suffer in diseases so this is the best guidance blog for all. Very nice post, thanks for more information. The information that you discuss in the article is really helpful for me.
11/30/2022 02:51:49 am
The most important part about traveling is packing, and if you are traveling by road then it plays a major role. Most of the people have no idea of packing while they are going on a trip and that might even cause some issues while you are on the journey.
12/4/2022 03:58:19 am
This is a 20 minute cinematic journey through Lake Atitlan and Antigua in Guatemala. Filmed over 2 months staying in 2 beautiful properties and showing the breathtaking landscapes encountered while exploring the regions.
12/6/2022 05:41:58 am
The trouble is when you have to take your children with you. It can also be a laugh, however there are lots of factors to put together for. Traveling together with your youngsters may be hard when you consider that they have got quite a few needs.
1/2/2023 11:48:59 pm
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1/17/2023 09:23:27 am
A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page
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1/19/2023 01:14:48 pm
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1/22/2023 03:45:25 pm
People do no longer travel usually for the identical functions. Someone travels to gain knowledge and revel in, someone travels for pride, someone travels for enterprise purposes and many others. It has a great deal educative fee.
1/26/2023 05:30:46 pm
I love reading travel blogs as much as I like traveling. After reading experiences of other travelers I feel inspired to explore the world.
1/28/2023 12:27:38 am
Traveling together with your youngsters may be hard when you consider that they have got quite a few needs.
2/2/2023 01:20:58 pm
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2/11/2023 04:27:22 am
Traveling is not any simple calling. Instead, it consists of numerous things, luggage is one of the most fecund items among them. There are plenty of luggage selling companies in the markets. However, Coolife luggage reviews help you to find the best fit for you.
2/15/2023 07:45:58 am
Traveling to new places is definitely fun—regardless of your reasons for traveling—especially if you get to meet and befriend wonderful locals and fellow tourists. But sometimes, as a tourist, you’re an easy target for scammers. We want to make sure you know the top travel scams to avoid on your next trip.
2/22/2023 06:02:58 am
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2/24/2023 06:32:52 am
Especially if you get to meet and befriend wonderful locals and fellow tourists. But sometimes, as a tourist, you’re an easy target for scammers. We want to make sure you know the top travel scams to avoid on your next trip.
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3/12/2023 06:03:09 am
Travelling is something we all want to experience in our lives. Whether it be to another country or even just an out of town trip, we all want and need to get away from the daily grind.
3/19/2023 07:23:51 am
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3/22/2023 07:28:36 am
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3/30/2023 11:55:27 am
Most of the people have no idea of packing while they are going on a trip and that might even cause some issues while you are on the journey.
4/2/2023 12:28:03 am
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4/5/2023 07:56:07 am
The most amazing artifact for me, was this vial of tea leaves which was saved from the Boston Tea Party. When one of the colonists returned home from the Tea Party, he found tea leaves in his shoes, and he saved the tea to pass down to his family.
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5/12/2023 08:27:01 am
Especially if you get to meet and befriend wonderful locals and fellow tourists. But sometimes, as a tourist, you’re an easy target for scammers. We want to make sure you know the top travel scams to avoid on your next trip.
5/25/2023 07:31:10 am
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6/29/2023 11:17:53 pm
Interacting with locals is a highlight of any journey. From the friendly smiles of street vendors offering handmade crafts to the warm hospitality of a family-run bed and breakfast, these encounters create a deep connection to the places visited. Language barriers may exist, but the universal language of kindness and curiosity bridges the gaps, fostering moments of genuine human connection. Sharing meals, exchanging stories, and learning about different perspectives broaden horizons and foster a sense of unity in a world that often feels divided.
7/21/2023 01:44:04 am
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7/30/2023 01:42:00 am
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7/30/2023 01:47:00 am
I love reading travel blogs as much as I like traveling. After reading experiences of other travelers I feel inspired to explore the world.
Beyond the personal growth, travel also plays a vital role in supporting local economies and promoting sustainable practices. Responsible travelers seek to leave positive footprints, supporting local businesses and initiatives that protect the environment and cultural heritage. By choosing eco-friendly accommodations and engaging in ethical tourism, travelers become advocates for a more sustainable and equitable world.
8/5/2023 05:17:06 am
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AuthorBen quit his job to travel the world. He intends to keep winging it as long as he can. Archives
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